Diamond Painting: A Beginner’s Tutorial With Sparkling Tips

Diamond painting is a creative and relaxing hobby that has been gaining popularity in recent years. It combines the meditative aspects of coloring with the satisfaction of completing a beautiful piece of art. Similar to cross-stitching, diamond painting involves using tiny resin “diamonds” to create a sparkling image on a canvas.

As a beginner, it can be overwhelming to know where to start with diamond painting. But fear not, this beginner’s tutorial will guide you through the basics and provide sparkling tips to help you create a masterpiece. From choosing the right canvas size to mastering the technique of placing the diamonds, this tutorial will cover everything you need to know to get started.

What is Diamond Painting?

Diamond painting is a fairly new and exciting hobby that has taken the crafting world by storm. It is a form of mosaic art that uses small, faceted diamonds or rhinestones to create a beautiful, sparkling design. The process is similar to painting by numbers, but instead of using paint, you use tiny, colorful diamonds to create your masterpiece.

The concept of diamond painting is simple. You start with a printed canvas that has a design on it, and you use a special adhesive to stick the diamonds onto the canvas. The diamonds are usually round or square, and they come in a variety of colors. Each diamond has a flat side and a faceted side, and the faceted side is what gives the diamond its sparkle.

Diamond painting is a relaxing and meditative activity that can be enjoyed by people of all ages and skill levels. It is a great way to unwind after a long day, and it can also be a fun and creative way to spend time with friends and family. Whether you are a seasoned crafter or a complete beginner, diamond painting is a hobby that is easy to learn and hard to put down.

Materials Needed

Before diving into the world of diamond painting, it’s important to gather all the necessary materials. Here are the three main components:


As the name suggests, diamonds are the most important element in diamond painting. These tiny gems come in a variety of colors and sizes, and are typically made of resin. It’s important to choose high-quality diamonds from reputable brands such as Dreamer Designs, that have a consistent shape, shine, and are five-dimensional. You don’t want any duds in your painting!


The canvas is the foundation for your diamond painting. It’s usually made of a high-quality fabric that’s been printed with the design you’ll be painting. The canvas comes in different sizes and shapes, so choose one that fits your desired finished product. A larger canvas will take longer to complete, but will have more detail.


There are a few tools you’ll need to make your diamond painting experience smooth and easy. The first is a tray, which will hold your diamonds as you work. You’ll also need a pen-like tool called a stylus, which you’ll use to pick up and place the diamonds onto the canvas. Finally, you’ll need a piece of wax, which will help the stylus pick up the diamonds more easily.

With these three main components, you’re ready to start your diamond painting journey!

Diamond Painting: Preparing the Canvas

Unrolling the Canvas

Unrolling the canvas is the first step in preparing it for diamond painting. Begin by laying the canvas on a flat surface and gently unrolling it. Be careful not to apply too much pressure, as this can cause the canvas to crease or wrinkle. Take your time and use a light touch to ensure that the canvas remains smooth and flat.

Flattening the Canvas

Once the canvas is unrolled, it's time to flatten it out. Use your hands to gently press down on the canvas, starting from the center and working your way outwards. This will help to remove any remaining wrinkles or creases in the canvas. If you encounter any stubborn wrinkles or creases, you can try using a warm iron on the lowest setting to gently press them out.

Attaching the Canvas to a Flat Surface

Attaching the canvas to a flat surface is an important step in diamond painting, as it helps to keep the canvas taut and prevents it from shifting around while you work. There are several ways to attach the canvas to a flat surface, including using tape or clamps. Some diamond painters prefer to use a light adhesive, such as spray adhesive or double-sided tape, to keep the canvas in place.

Regardless of the method you choose, it's important to make sure that the canvas is securely attached and that it remains flat and taut throughout the diamond painting process.

Starting the Diamond Painting

Starting a diamond painting project can be both exciting and overwhelming for beginners. But with the right guidance and tips, anyone can create a dazzling masterpiece that will leave them feeling satisfied and proud. In this section, we will cover the first steps to get started on your diamond painting journey.

Choosing the First Diamond

The first step in starting a diamond painting project is choosing the right diamond to begin with. It is recommended to start with a smaller, simpler design to get the hang of the process before moving on to larger and more complex projects. To choose the first diamond, look for a symbol on the canvas and match it to the corresponding diamond in the kit.

It is important to note that some kits may have multiple diamonds with the same symbol, so it is crucial to keep track of the diamond's location on the canvas. One helpful tip is to use a whiteboard or a piece of paper to label each symbol and its corresponding diamond color.

Applying the Diamonds

Once the first diamond is chosen, it is time to apply it to the canvas. Peel back a small section of the protective film on the canvas to expose the adhesive surface. Use the diamond applicator tool to pick up the diamond by its flat side and place it onto the corresponding symbol on the canvas.

Repeat this process until the entire section is complete. It is important to work in small sections to avoid the adhesive surface from drying out. Once the section is complete, cover it with the protective film and move on to the next section.

Remember to take breaks and stretch your hands to avoid cramping. Diamond painting can be a relaxing and therapeutic activity, so enjoy the process and let your creativity shine!

Tips and Tricks

Now that you've got the basics down, it's time to dive into some tips and tricks to make your diamond painting experience even more enjoyable.

Organizing Your Diamonds

One of the most important things you can do to make your diamond painting experience smoother is to organize your diamonds. When you receive your kit, take some time to sort the diamonds by color and place them in small containers or bags. You can use a piece of paper or a tray to keep them separated and easily accessible. This will save you time and frustration when you're working on your painting.

Using Wax Correctly

Using wax is essential to picking up the diamonds and placing them on the canvas. However, it's important to use the wax correctly. Too much wax can make it difficult to pick up the diamonds, and too little can cause them to fall off. Start with a small amount of wax and add more as needed. You can also use a toothpick or tweezers to pick up the diamonds if you're having trouble with the wax.

Framing Your Finished Painting

Once you've completed your diamond painting, you'll want to display it proudly. Framing your finished painting is a great way to do this. You can purchase a frame that fits the size of your canvas or have one custom made. Make sure to use acid-free materials to prevent the diamonds from fading or discoloration over time.

By following these tips and tricks, you'll be well on your way to creating beautiful diamond paintings that sparkle and shine. Happy painting!

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